Monday, February 23, 2009


Well since my vocabulary seems to be lacking...STEPH! I've decided to name this post after a word I may wish to use some day...or it was just a random word that I found, either way this could be fun
impecunious means to have little or no money. Today I got to do some deck hand work on the ship. I was painting over rust spots that had previously been ground off and primed. While I was going about my duties, I was thinking about the two guys who are currently the deck hands on board; neither one of them has much in the way of money and so one might say that they are impecunious. I wonder what it's like to truly live that way? I've almost always had at least some money, or had some money owed to me.

Oh, hey. I could ask everyone to think about, pray about or comment about what I should do after my DTS. Originally my plans involved snowboarding and backpacking NZ. Now, I'm not so sure. I want to make sure that I'm walking in God's will for me. I know that he can use me wherever I am, but I'm curious to know if there's somewhere specific that he wants me, something specific that I should be doing? It's all so frustrating at times.
I know I've said that he'll tell me by the end of the school, but I'd appreciate help in asking.


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