Here's those photos I promised from the tongariro crossing. Link is the post title.
That photo bucket account is where all the other photos that I MAY take will be posted.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Well since my vocabulary seems to be lacking...STEPH! I've decided to name this post after a word I may wish to use some day...or it was just a random word that I found, either way this could be fun
impecunious means to have little or no money. Today I got to do some deck hand work on the ship. I was painting over rust spots that had previously been ground off and primed. While I was going about my duties, I was thinking about the two guys who are currently the deck hands on board; neither one of them has much in the way of money and so one might say that they are impecunious. I wonder what it's like to truly live that way? I've almost always had at least some money, or had some money owed to me.
Oh, hey. I could ask everyone to think about, pray about or comment about what I should do after my DTS. Originally my plans involved snowboarding and backpacking NZ. Now, I'm not so sure. I want to make sure that I'm walking in God's will for me. I know that he can use me wherever I am, but I'm curious to know if there's somewhere specific that he wants me, something specific that I should be doing? It's all so frustrating at times.
I know I've said that he'll tell me by the end of the school, but I'd appreciate help in asking.
impecunious means to have little or no money. Today I got to do some deck hand work on the ship. I was painting over rust spots that had previously been ground off and primed. While I was going about my duties, I was thinking about the two guys who are currently the deck hands on board; neither one of them has much in the way of money and so one might say that they are impecunious. I wonder what it's like to truly live that way? I've almost always had at least some money, or had some money owed to me.
Oh, hey. I could ask everyone to think about, pray about or comment about what I should do after my DTS. Originally my plans involved snowboarding and backpacking NZ. Now, I'm not so sure. I want to make sure that I'm walking in God's will for me. I know that he can use me wherever I am, but I'm curious to know if there's somewhere specific that he wants me, something specific that I should be doing? It's all so frustrating at times.
I know I've said that he'll tell me by the end of the school, but I'd appreciate help in asking.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
...lost for a creative title...
Well, this week’s had no huge event highlights like hiking Mt Doom or going surfing for the first time. Despite all of that it’s been freaking awesome. How awesome? SO awesome!
Our speakers this week have been Bruce and Barbara Thompson. They’ve been talking to us about the Divine Plumb Line. For those who are not builders, a plumb line is a tool used to measure how straight up and down something is. So they likened it to God’s intent for our lives being His plumb line and talked about the ways in which we stray from his intended path. I realize that the explanation I’ve just given here is a summarization of a week of lectures that actually usually takes 2 weeks to go through, we got the condensed version.
The more lectures we have, on any topic, the more I can see how similar this DTS is to Landmark Education. Many of you will know about Landmark, some will not, it’s okay, don’t worry too much. But it’s also clear to me that the stuff landmark teaches is not some new revelation at all, it’s in the Bible, it’s a couple of millennia old. We have to take the rejection, the hurt, and the rebellion of our pasts and give it up to God that we might be free of it and not project it into our future so that we can live in the present for the benefit of his kingdom free from the fear of man.
This week we also looked at the Story of Jacob and Esau and how Jacob wrestled with an angel all night until he was blessed. The angel re-named him Israel which means, he struggles with God or child of God, heir of God. Each of these things is something that I have learned, before looking back at this story. On the first day of Lectures I had the revelation (understanding or comprehension) in my heart that I AM indeed an heir of Christ and I don’t think I’ll ever miss a chance to keep affirming this. I’ve also felt that in order to get what I want, my blessing, of discovering how God wants me to serve him, I have to not only be patient, but demanding. I have to wrestle it from him.
Another note, I twisted my ankle at the beach yesterday. :’(. But it’ll be okay, I hope. I was trying to skim board on a boogie board. Whoopsy. And this coming Friday, I’m going to get a chance to chill with some youths from one of the local churches.
Keep on chillin.
Our speakers this week have been Bruce and Barbara Thompson. They’ve been talking to us about the Divine Plumb Line. For those who are not builders, a plumb line is a tool used to measure how straight up and down something is. So they likened it to God’s intent for our lives being His plumb line and talked about the ways in which we stray from his intended path. I realize that the explanation I’ve just given here is a summarization of a week of lectures that actually usually takes 2 weeks to go through, we got the condensed version.
The more lectures we have, on any topic, the more I can see how similar this DTS is to Landmark Education. Many of you will know about Landmark, some will not, it’s okay, don’t worry too much. But it’s also clear to me that the stuff landmark teaches is not some new revelation at all, it’s in the Bible, it’s a couple of millennia old. We have to take the rejection, the hurt, and the rebellion of our pasts and give it up to God that we might be free of it and not project it into our future so that we can live in the present for the benefit of his kingdom free from the fear of man.
This week we also looked at the Story of Jacob and Esau and how Jacob wrestled with an angel all night until he was blessed. The angel re-named him Israel which means, he struggles with God or child of God, heir of God. Each of these things is something that I have learned, before looking back at this story. On the first day of Lectures I had the revelation (understanding or comprehension) in my heart that I AM indeed an heir of Christ and I don’t think I’ll ever miss a chance to keep affirming this. I’ve also felt that in order to get what I want, my blessing, of discovering how God wants me to serve him, I have to not only be patient, but demanding. I have to wrestle it from him.
Another note, I twisted my ankle at the beach yesterday. :’(. But it’ll be okay, I hope. I was trying to skim board on a boogie board. Whoopsy. And this coming Friday, I’m going to get a chance to chill with some youths from one of the local churches.
Keep on chillin.
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Mount DOOM!

Well for those who are not familiar with the Lord of the Rings movie trilogy, here's some helpful information. The movies were filmed in one big long 18 months of principle cinematography in the fine country of New Zealand. Many of the scenes in Mordor were filmed at the Tongariro National Park. What you may not know about this park is that it is also home to NZ's best one day track (or hike) Of course it is more of a track as in a path than a hike, and a busy one at that. Now part way through the day one finds that they are looking up at Mt Ngauruhoe. Now to many of you this name has no meaning so we'll call it Mount Doom, because it is the same mountain used in the movies.
Now, some of you may be wondering if I climbed it or not. Others know that I did without me telling you but let me put this in perspective. The entire track, without doing Mt Ngauruhoe, is an 8 hour track. The side track up the Mount is a 3 hour return trip. Now since the track is not a loop, we had arranged for pickup on the other side to be there 8 hours from out start time. So my challenge was to try and fit in 11 hours worth of hiking into 8. Those who have seen me on a hike...not many actually...will know that God's given me the, well the proper word would probably be fortitude, or endurance but I think stubbornness would also apply, to keep on trekking and get it done in the allotted time. However since I was with a group of other people less inclined to adopt my pace I felt behind schedule. And so, I did take off from the other to climb Mt DOOM!
What a hike, I tell you what. Volcanic, lose rock and sand (screet). The best place to climb up was along a ridge where the footing was far more secure. Unfortunately, due to my previously explained time restraint I did not climb to the very summit of the mount and peer into the heart of Mt Doom. I did get some cool pictures from the top (posted later) and the best part was still to come.
On the way down, the screet turned from enemy to friend where in you could crouch down, almost sitting on my own heels and slide down the side of the Mount. When that got boring I could leap and slide, leap and slide. It was totally worth the brutal trip up and could only have been made better with a snowboard and snow. Side note, there was still some snow at the top of the mountain, turned to ice now but it was there.
So yeah, the rest of the hike was boring in comparison to climbing Mt. Doom, but trying none the less. The last hour or so was the worst as I could very much feel the energy having already left my legs and with no desire to eat anything more I simply kept plowing forward. Not that good of an idea in hind sight; today I was tired and sluggish.
So I thank God for making me someone who’s stubborn enough to fit 11 hours of hiking into 6 1/2 hours. I managed to meet up with the rest of my group further on down the track and I got to hear about the adventures they’d had together.
All in all a good day.
For those curious, I took with me my camelback with 2L of water, that ran out and I refilled, some sandwiches, trail mix, an extra layer, a toque, shades, sunscreen, a bandana, and a first aid kit. The extra clothes because the weather can change quickly, and the gloves even came in handy on the trip down as the loose rocks were sharp. If anyone’s ever planning on doing this trek, I recommend a decent pair of light weight gloves. Mine were Evo cycling gloves with a padded leader palm and they were perfect.
Oh, and as far as I’m concerned, Sam and Frodo missed out on the best part of Mt Doom, the slide down.
Friday, February 13, 2009
Where am I going?
Man the titles of these posts can be challenging to come up with. This post's title reflects more what my entire purpose of coming to NZ is all about. Seeking after a direction in my life. However I do not want it to be just any direction, I want it to be God's. So I asked him, and he didn't say anything. SO I asked again, and nothing still. Yet despite the lack of an answer to my question, I feel that I will find it in the last week or two of the DTS. Patience, all I am supposed to be doing right now is taking part in the school. It's quite a nice feeling to know I'm where I should be, and yet the time is passing so quickly already I'm trying to savor it. Before I know it all 5 months will be gone... :'(
On another note, I so totally wish that I'd brought my longboard (skateboard designed for cruising and going fast) with me as this place is prime longboarding place...I may have to buy one. On the other hand a new longboard just wouldn't be the same as my Never Summer board that I could bring down here in July...See what type of tough things I have on my mind?
Kidding! There's SO much sweet stuff happening here that I can't write it all out. This is just a taste. OH! I bought a book today, A Sheperd Looks at Psalm 23. I remember Eryn, at least I think it was he, doing a short bible study witht hat book and now that I am in sheep country I thought I'd read it again.
I purchased the book while on a nice long walk, that was kind of sore, which lead me to desire the longboard even more.
Tomorrow there's a nice big and long hike to do. same place, different time!
On another note, I so totally wish that I'd brought my longboard (skateboard designed for cruising and going fast) with me as this place is prime longboarding place...I may have to buy one. On the other hand a new longboard just wouldn't be the same as my Never Summer board that I could bring down here in July...See what type of tough things I have on my mind?
Kidding! There's SO much sweet stuff happening here that I can't write it all out. This is just a taste. OH! I bought a book today, A Sheperd Looks at Psalm 23. I remember Eryn, at least I think it was he, doing a short bible study witht hat book and now that I am in sheep country I thought I'd read it again.
I purchased the book while on a nice long walk, that was kind of sore, which lead me to desire the longboard even more.
Tomorrow there's a nice big and long hike to do. same place, different time!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
What's NOT happening?
Well, there's pretty much so much going on that this update is more of a filling you peoples in on whats been happening. Therefore I will probably be bouncing around quite a bit.
Well, I'm living on a ship, not a boat, it's a ship, there's a total of 8 crew members, 16 students, 4 staff and 1 school leader. The amount of people involved in the Marine reach ministry is overwhelming. I never could have guessed just how many people are required to keep this thing moving forward. There's half a dozen people at the office, another 4 or 5 taking care of the medical and another small group of gentlemen who help out with maintenance on the ship. Lots of people coming and going, it's a lot of fun.
Yesterday, after surfing, I left my bible atop the van and lost it as we drove off. We went back and searched for it with no luck. So, today I went to a little book shop and purchased a new one. This one is an NIV translation where my last one was a NLV. I'm thinking that I may try to take it back and get a different one. As nice and modern as the NIV is, and I do like it don't get me wrong, I am quite the fan of the older styles of speach. There ain't no school like the old school.
Nearby there are a couple of sweet parks. One that is closely assiciated with the ship is Gideon's Field. It holds some similarities to a Nature Reserve, and native land. It has special significance to the Maori people. Our first time there was on our first friday, almost two weeks ago at which time we recieved a welcome from the Maori there. Not many of the native's live on site, but they do use it for ceremonies. It was incredibly interesting to watch the cultural dance and ceremony of welcome.
Also near by is another small park and waterfall which also has gorgeous swimming and cliff jumping. I do so want to go back there. But that will have to wait as we're planning to do an eight hour hike this weekend, which as far as I am concern will be AWSOME!
I think that'll fill in most of the holes for now. Oh, the DTS lectures, walking in the fear of the Lord has been this week and man is it amazing. I can't begin to describe it here without going on for another two pages.
Enjoy the cold Canada...
Well, I'm living on a ship, not a boat, it's a ship, there's a total of 8 crew members, 16 students, 4 staff and 1 school leader. The amount of people involved in the Marine reach ministry is overwhelming. I never could have guessed just how many people are required to keep this thing moving forward. There's half a dozen people at the office, another 4 or 5 taking care of the medical and another small group of gentlemen who help out with maintenance on the ship. Lots of people coming and going, it's a lot of fun.
Yesterday, after surfing, I left my bible atop the van and lost it as we drove off. We went back and searched for it with no luck. So, today I went to a little book shop and purchased a new one. This one is an NIV translation where my last one was a NLV. I'm thinking that I may try to take it back and get a different one. As nice and modern as the NIV is, and I do like it don't get me wrong, I am quite the fan of the older styles of speach. There ain't no school like the old school.
Nearby there are a couple of sweet parks. One that is closely assiciated with the ship is Gideon's Field. It holds some similarities to a Nature Reserve, and native land. It has special significance to the Maori people. Our first time there was on our first friday, almost two weeks ago at which time we recieved a welcome from the Maori there. Not many of the native's live on site, but they do use it for ceremonies. It was incredibly interesting to watch the cultural dance and ceremony of welcome.
Also near by is another small park and waterfall which also has gorgeous swimming and cliff jumping. I do so want to go back there. But that will have to wait as we're planning to do an eight hour hike this weekend, which as far as I am concern will be AWSOME!
I think that'll fill in most of the holes for now. Oh, the DTS lectures, walking in the fear of the Lord has been this week and man is it amazing. I can't begin to describe it here without going on for another two pages.
Enjoy the cold Canada...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Surfs Up
Wednesday is elective day, so for me that means surfing. There are 5 other students who're taking the surfing elective as well. Today was our first official day in the water, but that hasn't stopped me from getting out there. The ship has a couple of surfboards that I can use. Unfortunately there quite short for me, especially to learn on, but it's definitely fun to paddle around in the waves. Today, with a ten foot board instead of a six foot board I was just able to get to my feet. It was at the last moment, but I was stable.
Our surf instructor is one of the DTS staff members and despite never having officially taught anyone how to surf, he's quite proficient at it. In total I've been our on the surf board 4 times now with greater success each time. I hope to start catching waves all over the place from now on. I'm even thinking about buying a used surfboard, on that I fit on, so I can ride anytime.
Other than surfing today was a very busy day, and all I wanted was a bit of quiet time, but that was not granted. I did however place on the alter something that was coming between God and myself. I had to give up control. my plans for post DTS life. Plans of snowboarding and hiking around NZ. I've no idea what I'll be doing after the DTS, or if I'll even be using my work visa here. But you know what? I've got 5 months to hear from God. People here have been telling stories of God's last second miricles, but those only emphasis how awsomly awsome he is.
Wherever he leads me, that's where the party's at.
Our surf instructor is one of the DTS staff members and despite never having officially taught anyone how to surf, he's quite proficient at it. In total I've been our on the surf board 4 times now with greater success each time. I hope to start catching waves all over the place from now on. I'm even thinking about buying a used surfboard, on that I fit on, so I can ride anytime.
Other than surfing today was a very busy day, and all I wanted was a bit of quiet time, but that was not granted. I did however place on the alter something that was coming between God and myself. I had to give up control. my plans for post DTS life. Plans of snowboarding and hiking around NZ. I've no idea what I'll be doing after the DTS, or if I'll even be using my work visa here. But you know what? I've got 5 months to hear from God. People here have been telling stories of God's last second miricles, but those only emphasis how awsomly awsome he is.
Wherever he leads me, that's where the party's at.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
The Beginnig
Well here I am in Tauranga New Zealand on board the M/V Pacific Link. That's right, I'm living in NZ on a ship with a nice squishy bunk, actually it's not too bad and I', 5'17". I'm here as a student in a Discipleship Training School (DTS) run by Youth With a Mission (YWAM). It's Week 3 right now and we're moving right along with Lectures. At the end of March we will be sailing for Auckland and then after that for the Island Nation of Fiji for the outreach portion of our trip.
I came to this school looking to see if I couldn't find some direction for my life. Well I haven't found it yet, but that doesn't mean I haven't found anything; this place is loaded with amazing people, things to do and most important, the presence of God.
Well during my time here I will get a chance to serve God, live on board a ship, chill with sweet peeps and learn how to surf. If that doesn't sound like a pretty Hardcore Adventure, I don't know what does.
Of course, once the DTS is finished, there are only going to be more adventures in the lovely country of New Zealand. I have acquired a 1 year Working-Holiday visa and am going to put it to use. I hope to work on a ski-hill teaching snowboarding (hmmm, that's kind of ironic) for the summer...i mean winter, but...eer...okay it'll be June-October whatever season you're in. And then after that I'm going to go backpacking around, ummm, how about, the ENTIRE COUNTRY?! Sounds good to me.
Oh man, so much to write...but I don't want to make this post huge. I'll leave you here for now with me in NZ having a grand ol time.
Catch ya on the flip side...
I came to this school looking to see if I couldn't find some direction for my life. Well I haven't found it yet, but that doesn't mean I haven't found anything; this place is loaded with amazing people, things to do and most important, the presence of God.
Well during my time here I will get a chance to serve God, live on board a ship, chill with sweet peeps and learn how to surf. If that doesn't sound like a pretty Hardcore Adventure, I don't know what does.
Of course, once the DTS is finished, there are only going to be more adventures in the lovely country of New Zealand. I have acquired a 1 year Working-Holiday visa and am going to put it to use. I hope to work on a ski-hill teaching snowboarding (hmmm, that's kind of ironic) for the summer...i mean winter, but...eer...okay it'll be June-October whatever season you're in. And then after that I'm going to go backpacking around, ummm, how about, the ENTIRE COUNTRY?! Sounds good to me.
Oh man, so much to write...but I don't want to make this post huge. I'll leave you here for now with me in NZ having a grand ol time.
Catch ya on the flip side...
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