Sunday, March 1, 2009


Well the past couple of weeks have been pretty sweet in and of themselves, just nothing SUPER note worthy. Yesterday the boys went on a little adventure to climb some trees and it was awesome, except for the part where my ankle’s sore because I twisted it last week. Oh yeah maybe I’ll start there.
Last Saturday we were chilling at the main beach at Mt Maunganui which is open ocean and gets some good waves. I tried the surfing, but there were a lot of people and a super strong rip tide, together that put a damper on the experience. After the surfing I tried building a sandcastle, but that got interrupted by some sweet skim boarding on a boogie board. That’s when everything went wrong; I tried to ride a wave, hit it wrong, went down and BAM sprained ankle. As a result I haven’t been running this week and feel a little lazy.

Anyways, back to the trees. We climbed them, took some photos, it was good and photos will be linked via this posts title.

Other things: This last week’s speaker was a Doctor with many stories about reaching patients through her work as a councilor. The topic was supposed to be The Language of Jesus, but it wasn’t about hearing Him. In fact it was about how we can speak his language to others; very insightful and motivating, especially in the area of education and academics.

I sent off an application on Friday to Cardrona Ski hill in Wanaka on the south Island. I don’t know if that’s where God wants me after the DTS, but if it is, I pray that he gives me favour throughout the hiring process.

Michelle, you’ll like this, one of the students here is a Swing Dance instructor from Hawaii. How awesome is that? Yesterday was super stormy so we weren’t outside, despite my continued and desperate attempts to get people to go to the beach with me. Anyways, we instead used a good chunk of time to learn part of The Big Apple dance. If I can convince some of the other guys to learn to dance we MAY do some partner stuff, but that looks unlikely.

I haven’t heard back from God other than to Stand Firm and be Patient (James 5:8 jumped out at me)

That’s all for now Folks...


  1. What? They haven't read the chapter in the Bible that talks about Jesus' mad swing dancing skills? Hello!!!

  2. ummmm... techniclly that sounds like blasphemy, unless you're refering to the part where all things are possible through Him.
