Friday, March 6, 2009

Everything in a Nutshell

It’s about time for another update. First of all, I have been denied employment with Cardrona Mountain Resort for this season due to a lack of available positions. I have no idea what I’ll be doing after DTS but I know I’ll hear something from God. At this point the only option left for snowboarding is paying for a course at Treble Cone out of which they hire some people. I think I’m going to take the course because either way I’ll be able to learn something, and my flight doesn’t leave until July so I’ve got time to kill.

The surf elective this week was cool, even though there was no surfing. The waves were all blown out by the wind, as it’s been most of the week. That means no dawn patrol (surfing at sunrise) and that we had to climb the mount instead. Dang worship and small group at the top of a gorgeous look out on the coast of an amazing place on a clear and brilliant day? KIDDING! It was awesome. I took some photos of the hike and the peeps, and they are, as usual, linked to the title of this post.
If you go snooping around on my photo bucket page you’ll also find some videos about the ship. It’s annoying to try to upload them all but It’s coming about. In hindsight I’d have done them all as one video but I doubt that the camera’s memory would permit me to do so.

Last Friday we got a chance to chill with the local youth group. It’s so sweet the way the leaders get the youth to do as much as possible: Event announcements, worship band, inviting new people up to the front to introduce them. In talking to the leaders they simply make sure to walk beside them at all times to provide guidance and to help them when they stumble. They also try to do a lot of the “grunt” work in terms of scheduling events, booking locations, making flyers and calendars. Other than that the youth love the same things as Canadian youth: Ping Pong, Foosball, candy, and chilling.
No more epic adventures like an all day hike, but we are planning a trip to what’s called Cathedral cove, the location for Car Paravel in the film Prince Caspian. That’ll be this Sunday and should be money.

In a couple of days I’ll know a little more about where I am going for the second part of outreach. I’ve let the staff know where I feel called to go based on the options that they presented, and soon, I hope, we’ll get a chance to meet in outreach teams to discuss our “plans.” In this case it will involve our plans on how we’re going to rely on God. ..Seems kind of funny...OR AWSOME!

That’s everything, in a nutshell, for now
Do I even need to say who it is signing out? Come on, who am I?!


  1. dude! that's one big nutshell!
    or maybe I just had a few posts to catch up on...
    I will help you wrestle. I keep thinking though- sometimes the specifics of what you are doing is inconsiquential in God's plan. And that you acctually get to choose and he can work through you where ever you go and whatever you do. so MAYBE the question is what do you want to do?? i guess that may change over the course of the next few months...?...


    WOOO WOOOOOOOOOO i'm so glad you put a link for this... now I can stalk...i mean creep...I mean keep up with you and your adventures!

  3. To some degree we can move about doing things that are in sync with God's name, but there are somtimes when he'll instruct very specificly and each little detail becomes very important. And yeah, the close we come to know the character of God the more the desires of our heart sync with his.
