Friday, December 11, 2009

Let's see now...

So what's new?
Well, let me, there is too much, let me sum up...Buttercup is marry Humperdink in little less than half an hour...
...wait wrong scenario...

So how do you view the world? What tint do your glasses have on them? Is everything in black and white? Perhaps you like the yellow ones because you're an optimist and they make things look brighter. How aboot the red ones that are just crazy and make it next to impossible to determine what colour objects truly are.

Well, as much fun as it is to discuss the effects different coloured lenses have on our perception, so too it is fun to discuss what messages and ideas influence the way we perceive other messages and ideas. For example, do you interpret the Bible from your point of view in the world? Or does the Bible give you a point of view to interpret the rest of the world?

To answer my own question I would say that I am coming out of the former place of reference. And I do believe that happens to be the natural place to be.

"This is what I know and this is how I understand, so how does it relate to how I think?"

Seems a little elitist doesn't it? Does this stance not assume that I already have everything lined up right? Well I don't think that I'll ever be able to completely adopt the Bible as my lenses to see the world and everything in it...but I can try. I believe that it is the word of God and that it is True (notice the capital T), but that is such a blanket statement that it can not go unqualified.

What can we get from the Bible? Well a whole stinking lot. Sometimes a sentence or so jumps out at you and provides you with exactly the encouragement or guidance that you've been looking for. It contains the history of a people, it contains the work of some seriously smart and wise people, and we have access to that. And so much more that I've yet to understand, or realize. But here's to hoping that I'll get a chance to find out some more.

SO on another note, I've been listening to some tracks off the album Picket Fence Cartel by Project 86 and WOW! the lyrics are just blowing me away. Motivating me to hold onto things that are so empowering I feel like I could take on the world, and I guess I can. SO look out world, I'm on my way, and I don't come alone.

Matt Clarke
Go Big or Go Home!

Friday, December 4, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Well, It's my birthday in two days. For those of you who don't see the notice on Facebook telling you that same thing, that is because I chose to hide my birthday date. It's strange, since I was about 15-16 I never really liked my birthday, it was an excuse to have a party, and a bunch of pop and chips and movies and whatnot, but then I started to realize that I could go and do that stuff whenever I want, so long as I had money.

Then I began to realize that It was difficult for me to accept special attention and extra care on my birthday. I don't know the why, I can not pin point the reason or one event, but here are some suspicions. I suspect that I did not feel worthy of the attention. That I am not special enough to warrant people going out of their way to give me things or do nice things for me. It is so much easier for me to honor other people than it is to have them honor me. How much easier? SO much easier!

Now, as I look back on some of the birthdays that I've had, this makes some sense. There have been a few times when I can recall that as a kid some people did not want to come to my birthday party or something like that, and to a kid I think that can really hurt; I began to believe that i was not worth honoring.

To all those who've tried in the past to wish me a happy birthday, I am sorry for not really receiving it. And thank you, a little late, but there it is. This year I am trying to get myself excited about my birthday, and it's not very easy. I've asked my friends here to help me, but we are terribly busy. I'm almost afraid that I won't be able to accept them honoring me.

I do believe that this ability or willingness to accept honor is something that God is working on in me, and asking me to step out in. Funny story time...
On two separate occasions I have been asked when my birthday was on my birthday. One time I was sitting in math class and we were talking about birthdays and another friend who'd had his B-day the previous week and then my friend turns to me and asks, "When's Your birthday?"
So in truth I told them "Today."
Fast forward about two or three years later, I'm at youth group as a youth leader and we're about to play this game, and my youth pastor, not mentioning his name declares that whoever s birthday is closest to that day gets to go first. A few youth put up their hands saying "That's me, my birthdays in ten days"
But then there is me saying, "Sorry dude, I'm going first, no doubt about it."
So my youth pastor asks me "When's your birthday?"
"Today" I replied.
He didn't believe me completely, and to convince everyone I finally had to pull out my driver's license. That last part about the license might not be true but it sounds cool eh?

I don't know how to take it this year. but I am trying to walk with arms open in readiness for God's blessings rather than with closed arms thinking that I'm not worthy of His blessing, because it's not up to me to decide if I am worthy of being blessed by the almighty creator of the universe or not.

So I hope the blessings are big, cause if they're not, they might as well go home...

Matt Clarke
Go Big or Go Home!