Sunday, July 26, 2009

True Traveling Stories

So true stories...funny story, that’s also a side note, I was reading my bible the other day and found that Jesus often said “Truly, truly I tell you…” He might as well be saying “true story…” which is something I say. I only have two types of stories, true and funny. No really, it’s a true story ; )

Flights from Queenstown to Auckland: I sat next to a lovely couple on their way to France for a holiday, doing some cycling and viewing of the Tour de France. I was Oh so happy, how happy? SO happy to be sitting with people to whom I could talk to and listen to. And I shall not forget this little bit of information. “You can get a cooker, but she might not be a looker. So, if you find yourself a looker, she can learn to be a cooker; then you get a looker and a cooker!” I was also invited to experience the fine skills of this man’s good looking cooker the next time I was in Dunedin and I hope to get a chance to do so in the future.

During my layover in Fiji I got a chance to go into Nadi town which meant riding the rickety and packed bus. On the bus ride the thing I noticed the most was the smell and the memories that it brought back. The best of which is probably the wonderful meal the ladies of the DTS put on for the guys. Thanks again girls. I Also got to enjoy a couple of cheap blitz bars and I tell you what, they were most certainly the genuine article, not some counterfeit from New Zealand. I think one of the funniest part for me was when a Fijian started a conversation with me and when I told him I was shopping for my sisters he offered to take me down the street to the best shop, which means he wanted to take me to a Kava Ceremony and get my money. It just made me smile to be able to dodge that experience like old times.

(For you Dahvede) As I collected my bags in LAX after arriving from Fiji, a Fijian man asked me about my stay in Fiji. I told him about what I had done aboard the Pacific Link but I never once named it, or YWAM or DTS. He then asked me if I had been aboard the Pacific Ruby (The Pacific Link’s Predecessor). I was slightly shocked and then learned that this man had done his DTS years back and spent time on the Anastasias (YWAM’s first ship I believe). We were given an incredible opportunity to chat and pray for one another and I received another invitation to dinner and a place to stay, this time in the Cayman Islands. (This is all on one trip by the way).

While hitchhiking around the North Island of New Zealand to get travel papers sorted out and to visit friends got gave me a gift. Not one but two of the people who picked me up had travelled to India recently. Not only that but one of them had been there on a missions trip with his pastor. I was so totally blessed to be able to pick his brain for tips, and tricks and to get a better understanding of where I was going. God really does provide.

Well those are some of the cool things that have happened to me on my travels. Do you have any good stories to share? I'd like to hear some of them.

~Matt Clarke
Go Big or Go Home!

Re-Entry Revamped

So at the end of DTS we read a book about and discussed the concept of Re-Entry. What it is like for a missionary to go from the mission field to being back home. In a DTS the student is constantly growing and being challenged and during those 5-6 months they have so much going on. How much? SO much. The return home can often be overwhelming because home has not been growing at the same rate, it can be exactly the same as the student left it.
I feel fortunate that I had a couple of weeks of travelling and living in a strange country to help myself adapt and process some of the things I experienced on DTS. Following that, the time I got to spend at home was the best I could have asked for. I had 4 days to get everything done that I needed to see the people I needed to see. Therefore I did not waste anytime at all. The best part: a family wedding, who shows up? Your extended family. DONE! I got to see my grandparents and aunts and uncles, it was amazing! Next, two good friends get married so who shows up? All your friends. BAM! Done. How amazing is it that despite the distance that has come between a group of friends, in this case we’re taking literally, a physical distance, I got a chance to see most all of the people who’ve been apart of my walk with God in two short days.
I could not have asked for a better “re-entry” experience.
Thank You to everyone who I got to see and hang out with while I was in Canada

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Why Calcutta

Well it’s been a while since I’ve updated so I’m going to do a couple of posts so as to split of the different topics.
I’m going to start with more details as to how Calcutta came to be the destination. Let’s begin back when I was still a young lad. I remember hearing a story about a man who travelled to Calcutta India to volunteer at Mother Teresa’s house of the Dying destitute. The story that he told was that of a dyeing baby who would not stop crying no matter what they did for it. The baby was taken in by the lepers who were used to the wailing of people in agony. WOW! I remember even that that this would be a place worth visiting. From there the desire to go to India would not surface for some years. During the DTS that I did I read a book about a guy and his prayer life. During his walk he felt prompted to pray for a country that he had no connection with, Bulgaria I believe it was. Eventually that man smuggled bibles into that same country. In response to reading about this I asked God if there was a country that he wanted me to pray for. I felt that if there was one then it was India. A few days after I got this impression I received an e-mail from my mother regarding someone she had heard speaking about India. Furthermore, she mentioned that although she’d never had a desire to go there she now thought that it might be a place of interest for her. “hmmmm” I thought, “Interesting how God works. Could this be coincidence? I THINK NOT!”
Next, I was reading the book Irresistible Revolution in which the author describes his experience in Calcutta living with the poorest of the poor alongside the lepers. From this I could not help but desire once again to go and experience it myself. And so, as I had this desire I climbed Mt Iron in Wanaka NZ. During the climb I would stop both to rest and to take in the view knowing that it would be even better from the top.
At last I arrived at the summit of the mountain and was sad to see the clouds rolling in as fog to obscure the view. As sad as that was not to be able to see the view, I felt that it was symbolic of my life. I was unable to see what direction that I was supposed to go in. At this time I began to sing and worship God as Lord and King. I knew that I was not wearing enough layers to stay warm without moving around vigorously, and with the fog, the added moisture would make me cold even faster. Despite this, I persisted to wait for instruction and heard this. “Take off your sandals for the ground you are on his holy ground.” That’s what Moses heard when he first encountered the burning bush. SO I decided to obey, and I took off my socks and boots and kept praying and worshiping. Which, when I already felt unprotected from the elements seems stupid to take off what protection I was wearing. However during the entire experience I neither felt cold no wet. And then BAM! I felt the impression “How about Calcutta?” So I replied with “How about Calcutta!” and so I am on my way to Calcutta!

On his way to Calcutta,
Matt Clarke
Go Big or Go Home!

Friday, July 3, 2009

A New Direction

So, updating time.
I did NOT get the job as a snowboard instructor on Treble Cone (TC). The hiring clinic was an intense 4 day rider improvement, teaching improvement and audition for a position. Unfortunately for me there were some well and good riders and teachers in the group. Enough of them were better than myself that they got the positions and not me. I must say that I think my riding has not improved as much as it did over the past 4 or five days since I spent the season riding everyday while working at Grouse. I am definitely planning on taking this and other clinics in the future to improve my riding.

For now? This is a huge set back as far as living in Wanaka goes. There are very VERY few jobs here, as likely there are very few everywhere. I do not have a seasons pass for any of the mountains, if I did I would e set to live and ride all day everyday. But I do not. I also asked God that if this was where I am to be that I receive the job through the clinic. Since I did not I am feeling right now that I should be moving on.

Where should I go? What should I do? Well that's been the theme of my thoughts over the past few days. Today I climbed a mountain to seek God's face and his plan. I think that I have found it. I'm going to go to Calcutta India to Mother Thereasa's House of the Destitute and the Dying. I remember hearing stories about people who go to help out for a time and extreme things happen. During the DTS, India came up for me as something to pray for. The book I am currently reading, the author went to Calcutta to try to understand the poor that he might understand poverty. I have the time, I'm pretty sure I have the resources and who needs more than that?

...I don't know what else to say...It should be amazing, God always is.

Go Big or Go Home!