Friday, February 11, 2011

A Contrast of sorts

Time and time again God takes you for a walk of incredible beauty. My friend calls them BP&J dates, because it often turns out that she‘s got a penut butter and jam sandwich for to eat while God shows her some breathtaking view and sits quietly beside her to watch.

Here in South Africa the beauty is in the sunset, the sun rise, the mountain, the clouds rolling off the mountains, the rivers, the ravines, and the beaches.

Literally placed right beside, under or on those same amazing features will often sit on of gut wrenching saddness. entire towns of small shaks cobbled together out of whatever material can be found. Slums stretching for kilometers beside the highway or climbing halfway up a mountain side.

Then, something that can be even more troubling is what sits, at times, only a few hundered meters from those slums. That is mansions or wealthy districts of houses and even gated communities.

I see these things and think to myself, “I don‘t understand. I don‘t get it. What‘s going on God?“

I still don‘t know. I still don‘t understand it all, but I feel like the answer is something like this. “This is a result. A result of things people did and even continue to do. As soon as they stop doing those things and turn to Me, then I will show them the change they so desire.“

I don‘t know what part I can play in that story as it unfolds, but if you‘ll joing me in praying for change, then together we can believe for change.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Summary...not too many exciting stories

Hey hey,

Hanging out in South Africa.

It's been three weeks now in Capetown. And here's the sumarry.

Week 1 Taking Care of Sick people

Yes, the team got sick in the first week in South Africa. But that's a good thing. Now that the sickness has gone around we're safe for the rest of the trip right? Well, not 100% safe from sickness but for sure it's ou of the way now.

Week 2 Track and Field

Yeah, we spent the week at a primary school helping to get the students ready for their track meet. I got to coach those learning Shot put, you know, because I have extensive experience in my one time ever of doing shot put at my track meet in grade 7 eh?
Also I got to teach and select the long jump team for the school A very difficult process as there was only 2 spots per age group and often four or five very good jumpers.

Week 3 Track and classroom

Now at another school, now working with sprinters. Heh heh...I got to make kids run all day. It was like punishing them, but they wanted to do it.
Oh, and if anyone doubt my organizational ability (not willingness) then go check out te library at St. Paul's Primary School. Yeah, helped set that thing up heaps good.

This goes out to all primary school teachers, especially my primary school teachers...Thank you for your patience and your perseverance with children day in and day out. The amount of fortitude that it must take to do the job day in and out is incredible. You are amazing!