Thursday, April 23, 2009

Leaving tomorrow

I'm defenitly not a photographer, I still got nothing.
Anyways remember those pinapples I mentioend, yeah we bought 7 of them for $4, which with the exhcange rate what it's at that is like $2 canadian...pretty sweet eh? I'm pretty sure I ate a whole one today.

Funny story, my mother, bless her and a Happy Birthday to her as well, which is yesterday my time but I hope still today her time, but then i remembered her trip to Europe and I've no idea what time it is anywhere anymore, not even here. Oh right I was about to tell a story. My amazing mother sent me some cadbury mini eggs, evil chocolaty things that they are because of exploited coco workers...sorry, she sent them about 5 or six weeks ago and they still have no found me yet. I'm quite sad about it as are s few other students who're excited for North American Mini Eggs.

Anyhways, tomorrow's the day of days. We're officially finished with lecture phase and we're off to start our outreach on the island of Kioa. Not sure where it is but God's coming with so I think we'll find it. And if we don't we'll find a better palce.

This week was cool for lectures. Jim Hurn is a fun as guy (that's funny as, not funny's Kiwi jargan) Loads of energy and he spoke on guidance. The most important thing, You can't stear a ship if it's not moving. the same goes for cars, bikes, planes. God tells us when we're off the path, so start moving and he'll speak to you, and me.

Hope to play some touch rugby tonight with some lcoal guys, should eb an experience and a half.

AND I do not plan on hitting up a computer for another 6 weeks so hoep you all can have fun not hearing from me and trying to decipher what I'm saying through my non-spellchecked blog updates.

Until I update again,
Go Big or Go Home!

1 comment:

  1. Haha I'm so glad someone is going to be able to understand my sweet as and subsequently [insert any word i feel like here] as comments!!! SWEET AS!

    Hey the other weekend I watched an NRL game! it was sweet..ah darn, as! Now all I gotta watch is a Union game (hopefully in june) and maybe an AFL game.
